JIBI – where you want to go when you want to
JIBI is a mass transit system like no other. It is designed to make our cities more accessible all the while cutting emissions, noise and costs.
JIBI moves transport infrastructure underground. Into purpose-built tunnels precisely large enough for free flow of passengers in autonomous shuttles. The system free’s up valuable urban land areas. It is built on a value chain of green tech and new solutions for attractive, seamless public transport. The dedicated dual tunnel system ensures efficient traffic flow, free from pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles, intersections, and other elements that can cause disruption.
– JIBI is re-thinking traditional subway systems, says project lead, Helen Roth, CEO of the national business cluster VIA (Vital Infrastructure Arena).
– Building infrastructure for roads and public transportation is traditionally very expensive. JIBI omits many of these drivers, such as the demolition of property and expropriation of land. Our calculations show that this system is cheaper to build and more flexible than rail-based underground systems, Roth adds.
The total cost of the mass transit system is estimated at 1,5-2 billion NOK (140-195 million EUR). The estimate includes drilling the tunnels, tunnel infrastructure, vehicles, as well as operating costs, including maintenance for the first year.
Constructive construction
With lanes at three metres in diameter, the system allows for more elevation and shaper curves than rail-based systems. The segregated lanes open for fully autonomous operations without the need for safety-drivers, at higher speeds than in mixed traffic.
– Operating on wheels rather than tracks on dedicated lanes allows for more flexibility. By remote operating a fleet of shuttles we can easily accommodate the service for rush hour and off-peak without extra manpower, says Linn Terese Lohne Marken, CEO of Mobility Forus, who emphasizes that – comfort and safety are paramount for JIBI’s fully autonomous operations.
Other cost saving measures include drilling rather than blasting the tunnels, and placing most of the technology in the vehicles rather than the infrastructure. This allows for the swift replacement of vehicles and self-driving software as technology advances.
Exploiting our surroundings
To further add to existing infrastructure and reduce costs, stations are planned in office buildings and residential housing.
– We are fully removing the need for space in prized urban areas. There is no need for construction above ground because the whole system will be in a closed environment, says Ketil Solvik-Olsen, CEO of Seabrokers Fundamentering.
The additional bonus of closing the system from elements such as rain, snow, salt, dust, leaves and other vehicles is reduced maintenance and cleaning costs.
Trademark Norway
JIBI is product of Norway’s oil and gas region. A region rich in highly advanced technological solutions from deep sea drilling, and competence from complex infrastructure projects, including the world’s longest underwater tunnels. Through combining the best from the two sectors – tunneling and the oil gas industry, the four companies behind JIBI set out to push the boundaries for traditional transport infrastructure. Vital Infrastructure Arena, Seabrokers Fundamentering, Mobility Forus and Aarbakke Innovation have developed JIBI in close dialogue with the industry partners.
Geo-thermal energy and solar systems will be used to heat stations and charge the electrical batteries. The lining and tunneling technology is based on green solutions developed in the region, and businesses with expertise without battery technology, charging infrastructure and product design are onboard to realize JIBI.
– JIBI proves the will to transition to greener, cleaner, more sustainable transport infrastructure. It is vital to re-think transport systems if we are to achieve European goals of a 90% reduction of emissions in the transport sector. Developing the concept has demonstrated that we have the whole value-chain with the most environmentally friendly solutions right here in our backyard, says Solvik-Olsen with reference to South-Eastern Norway.
The project partners aim to build JIBI for export. To deliver a full-on mass transit system the concept is developed in dialogue with Norwegian authorities and according to European standards.